If current affairs in the U.S.A. are not compelling enough to prove that Donald Trump is turning “America” into a dictatorship, here are the 7 steps that dictators take to consolidate their dictatorship, as quoted from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International affairs.
1. Expand your power base through nepotism and corruption.
2. Instigate a monopoly on the use of force to curb public protest.
3. Curry favor by providing public goods efficiently and generously.
4. Get rid of your political enemies.
5. Create and defeat a common enemy.
6. Accumulate power by manipulating the hearts and minds of your citizens.
7. Rewrite the rules to stay in power.
Another step to dictatorship is creating a movement of real people, asking for respect, exploiting the concert of identity politics, making ignorance an identity, and equalizing the knowledgeable with the ignorant through social media.
Donald Trump’s strategy is to create so much confusion and disorder, that people are so busy trying to put out the fires he starts, meanwhile, he is forging ahead with creating a true dictatorship in America.
Tariffs and threats of taking over Panama, Greenland and all that, is just distraction, right now - it’s forest fires.
His true agenda, behind the scenes, is “cleansing” the ranks by deporting “illegals”, which includes completely legal citizens and residents, anyone speaking Spanish or having familial roots in the Middle East, a war against race; Trump wants a white supremist fundamentalist America.
Despite mandates from senior judicial bodies, he casts them aside and does what he wants, because he has absolutely no intention of letting anyone, not even the rule of law, stop him.
He is systematically removing every individual from any office of importance, who could oppose him.
He is attacking gender rights.
He has declared laws against using certain words.
He is directly attacking and dismantling the education system in the country.
He is declaring any media which speaks out against him as criminal, and he has created a core of “journalists” at the White House, who are pro Trump - blocking any other representation who could oppose him - essentially, controlling the media.

He is pouring fuel on the fire. He wants Americans, those who didn’t vote for him, to protest, to go out on the streets and demonstrate against him, he wants you to to do that so ultimately he can declare, as he has already done by his mandates that any protests against car dealerships (specifically Muscrat’s Teslars - Trump’s word, not mine) are illegal, Martial Law and make protesting and demonstrating and speaking up against his Administration an act of treason. He will call out the National Guard, the military and privatized security forces, to enforce the Martial Law.
Once Martial Law is imposed, he will continue do what he wants to turn “America” into his vision - certainly not one based on equality and democracy, but one that mirrors Putin’s Russian model, where Putin followed the same play book.
He will then use the military to try and strong arm his way into Panama, Greenland and maybe even Canada, and the conflicts that will ensue will result in unprecedented loss and death.
The “Un-United” States of America, the divided nation we see today, will become one of the most hated nations in the world, not because the people deserve to be seen that way, but because Trump has destroyed its value and the very principles which made America great.

Historically, dictators are never stopped by the rule of law, because they do not respect any laws or constitutional mandates; they see themselves as above the law.
Trump will not be stopped by the rule of law. No dictator ever has been.

The power to stop him is within the hands of the people.
And certainly, if a good and constructive President can be forced out of office because he let an intern give him a blow job; or another forced out because he secretly recorded the opposing party (Watergate), an acknowledged criminal, racist, despot at that, can certainly be thrown out.
If America cannot do that, under these circumstances, then the Constitution of the United States of America no longer represents the people, and the aims and goals of America’s forefathers who drafted that Constitution after freeing the colonies from the shackles of British oppression, have wasted their time.
Unfortunately, my advice will not be headed, because it takes a crisis to move a nation of people to act, and Trump’s crisis is being carefully molded as we speak, and strategically navigated to make sure that the people, good Americans, won’t have the power to act against him.
I lived and worked in America for over thirty years. I believed in Americans. I believed in what they represented, and the torch they once carried as a symbol of freedom and democracy to the world - but that torch has been all but extinguished by Donald Trump.
He is NOT the leader of the free world. He is a charlatan, a despot, a pathetic figure prancing on the global stage, the leader of a disaster in the making, if anything.
Réal Laplaine
Author of high-concept thrillers
