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We have the technology to make war redundant - why isn't it being used?

Writer's picture: Réal LaplaineRéal Laplaine

With all the divisional mantras streaming across the globe, such as “Make America Great Again”, or “restore the Motherland”, or “let’s wipe the Palestinians off the map so that we, the “chosen ones” can take their land,” etc., it’s easy to lose perspective - that all this nonsensical verbal diarrhea that divides us, is just that, nonsense.

These pronouncements, along with such inane ones as “taking Greenland by force”, or invading the Ukraine, etc. are all of them coming from the mouths of sociopathic people. Vladimir Putin remains the greatest threat to world peace and stability, and the only real hero in that arena, fighting to make sure he doesn’t win is President Zelensky of Ukraine - because he knows that if Putin takes Ukraine, he will keep going into the Baltic States and Eastern Europe - it will be a war that disrupts the whole world, not just Europe.

The fact that Donald Trump thinks for one moment that peace can be achieved by mediating a deal where Ukraine forfeits another chunk of their nation is not only ridiculous, but I suggest this to him; if Russia moved into Alaska, would you forfeit it to have peace? We all know the answer would be a resounding no.

Up until 2014, when Putin decided to annex the Crimea to Russia, and everyone sat back in the hopes that he would stop there, followed by Trump’s first presidency in 2016 to 2020, where his message of division, stomping on allies, “Make America First”, and cutting ties with treaties designed to unify the world, not divide it, we have seen this division spread like a cancer.

Brexit, where the UK broke away from EU is an example.

Trade wars with China, designed to cut them off from the American market, another.

And most recently, Netanyahu’s mass slaughtering of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children, and the displacements of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, in his supposed war against the Hamas, but in fact, is a pure land grab so that Israel can take over the Gaza.

What makes any nation great are its people - not its mantras, certainly not its division from other peoples or nations.

The teachers, the truck drivers, the doctors, nurses, the mothers and fathers, and countless more - these are the people who make a nation great, and in turn, help to unify the world as one race - because that is what we are, ONE race.

If you pull back the curtain, the threats to world peace today, the sources of division and falling out between nations, the wars, the killing, are coming from a handful of men: Vladimir Putin the worst of course, followed, now, Netanyahu and a close third, Trump.

There is a way to ensure world peace and unity, and it is in the very technology which has catapulted our culture in the last few decades.

Not to pitch my book, The 9th Divinity, but when Putin invaded the Ukraine in 2022, I asked myself, how could I stop him and stop that war, moreover, the threat to peace in Europe and the world? After considerable research, I devised a simple approach, involving a handful of Ukrainian military personnel, the two main characters in my book series, and drone technology powered by artificial intelligence. I wrote a thriller that showed exactly how, using our existing technology and a handful of people, we could penetrate the Kremlin’s security walls and remove Putin to the Hague to be tried as a criminal.

The point is this; if I can figure that out in a fictionalized scenario, using technology that exists as we speak, why are the trillions upon trillions of dollars invested in the military-industrial complex today not doing the same? Why continue to let ONE man disrupt the world? Is that justifiable at any cost?

The answer is simple. If you remove the source of the cancer, Putin, for example, using a surgical and tactical approach as I laid out in my book, one that doesn’t require full-scale war, how do you then justify a massive military presence?

You can’t, and that is problem, particularly in a nation like the United States, which is the largest dealer of military weapons in the world. They make no money if they just cut the head of the snake and stop him in his tracks. It’s not conventional. It doesn’t fit into the old-world paradigm of marching out onto the battlefield with tanks and guns and letting thousands of young men and women die fighting against an “enemy” - when in all simplicity, a surgical approach, to remove Vladimir Putin from the throne, would probably end the Ukraine invasion and the threat to peace - because the dream to build “the Empire” is Putin’s. It’s his mantra.

We have the technology today to make war redundant, the means of spotting, isolating and removing threats to world peace, and trying them as war criminals before they spill the blood of more innocents.

It’s not a question of can it be done, it is entirely a matter of the willingness to do it.

Up until the last decade, since 2014, the world was moving toward a more unilateral and unified peace. Besides the attack on the Islamic world for an event, 9/11, which they didn’t do and has since been debunked by countless professionals as a “false flag event” - where the Twin Towers, and a 47 story-building across the street (Building 7), were demonstrably brought down by demolitions technology, not by planes flying into them, the world was heading toward a better place.

Don’t be fooled by these utterances coming out of the White House today that make it appear as if “Americans” are against immigrants - because they are not. The minority who are chanting that slogan have forgotten that their roots, in less than a generation or so, originated outside of America. America is a nation built ENTIRELY on immigrants, and the only truly indigenous people in that country who can claim to be original inhabitants, are its Indians.

We can make the world great - and we need to, but it’s time to deal with the cancer, the source of dissention, upheaval, war, hate, division, which is largely coming from a small handful, less than five, men.

It seems ridiculous, if one looks at our world like a fishbowl, that billions of people are standing by and letting two or three sharks in the water, destroy their peace.

The technology is there - and despite all the reasons that the combined military forces across the globe are not using it, or are backed off because Putin has threatened to use nuclear reprisal, is simply hiding one’s head in the sand, because either way, people like Putin need to be stopped - and the “nuclear card” is a poor excuse to let one man destroy world peace.

As the International Criminal Court correctly declared, both Vladimir Putin and Netanyahu are war criminals and should be tried as such, despite what Donald Trump or any other “leader” for that matter, says otherwise. You kill people, you invade their lands, you are a criminal.

In the neighborhood where I grew up in Canada, we had a simple approach to dealing with bullies. It was called a five-knuckle punch. One or two good blows and the bully was gone, peace reigned and everyone got on with it.

So, where’s the punch?

Réal Laplaine
Réal Laplaine

Author of high-concept thrillers

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